“You are meant for more!
Learn how to create the next most amazing chapter of your life. To bring a greater version of ourselves into our life, we must build an image of a greater, more expansive self in our mind. It is when we begin to live from and come from this newer more expansive place – it’s then and only then, that we see it manifest in our external world. With my proven methods, tools and support you truly can BE the person you see in your dreams and more! YOU deserve it all.”
Kathryn Ford
Women’s Empowerment Expert
Founder, Excellence Institute
Ocean Treasures
The ocean has always been healing for me, and there is something so powerful about the sea, and yet very calming at the same time. Whenever I have a need to reconnect to the essence of who I AM, I try to visit my beloved ocean and walk barefoot upon the sand while allowing the waves to wash over my feet. The smell of the salt air, the rhythmic sound of the waves, all contribute to my feelings of being One with all of creation. I have found experiencing this allows me to quickly enter that space of remembering I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
When we take a deeper look at the ocean, we find even more meaning in the treasures of the sea. In addition to the many varieties of shells, the sand dollar is another one of those treasures that can somehow wash up on shore in absolute perfect condition, despite the odds against it. Delicate, yet so strong; this little treasure also has a lovely surprise inside. Within the shell, should it be broke open, five “Doves of Peace” are to be found. The symbolism for me is astounding. It is my belief that sometimes we just need to let go, of whatever it is we are holding on to, in order to find the peace inside we are so desperately longing for and truly need.
Find something that you can do on a regular basis to put you in touch with remembering who you really are. Maybe that’s taking a walk in the woods, sitting in a garden or reading poetry. You see it does not matter what is it as long as it reminds you that you are a spiritual being having this human experience. It is this practice that will lead you down a path of pure happiness and joy.
To ease us down this path, we must first and foremost deeply love ourselves, and secondly, know that happiness is a choice. We must decide to be happy, and then move through our lives anchored in these two virtues. It is all about feeling good, and one of the best ways to also contribute to feeling good and to being happy is to make other people happy.
One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself. It is a magical energy that continues to circulate, if we allow it into our lives. Get the focus off of what has gone wrong, begin to focus on what can, and is, going right! It is your responsibility to maximize your own happiness. Make this shift in your life today, and just watch the miracles and magic unfold.