“You are meant for more! 

Learn how to create the next most amazing chapter of your life. To bring a greater version of ourselves into our life, we must build an image of a greater, more expansive self in our mind. It is when we begin to live from and come from this newer more expansive place – it’s then and only then, that we see it manifest in our external world. With my proven methods, tools and support you truly can BE the person you see in your dreams and more! YOU deserve it all.

Kathryn Ford

Women’s Empowerment Expert

Founder, Excellence Institute

Practicing The Art of Self-Love

Have you ever thought about why flight attendants have you put your mask on first if there is a drop in cabin pressure? They say to place the mask over your face first, and then help others who need assistance once you have taken care of yourself. For many of us, especially women, this sort of “me first” behavior seems unnatural and maybe even a bit selfish. As women and mothers, we are conditioned to put our needs at the bottom of a very long list of other priorities that include our children, partner, boss, co-workers, friends, and family.

We tend to help, help, help first, and then think about our own needs second. But, maybe we have it backwards. At the end of the day, perhaps this is why we find ourselves out of balance and physically drained. I suggest we flip this around to make self-care and self-love our ‘first-up’ priority.

What Does Self-Care Really Mean? 

It means we take care of ourselves first. It means we practice truly loving ourselves. When we do that, we are in fact better equipped to help others. For many years I didn’t really understand this concept. I’d say to myself, “well… I’ll get to ‘me’ later, right now I’ve got to get this done!” Maybe I got the importance of self-care on a cognitive level, but I certainly didn’t practice it. I was still trying to skirt the issue and make sure everything else got done first.

That is the kind of behavior that eventually got me in big trouble with my health and well-being. My needs would simply be overlooked and at the end of the priority list. I realize now I was doing it backwards. Funny, that seems to be a common trait many women have as nurturers, as if it’s embedded within our DNA.

What Turned the Corner for My Health and Well-Being? 

Well, I let it get so bad there was no choice but to make ‘me’ the priority. Literally my life was at stake. I’m not neglectful with others, but I certainly was with me. The situation was totally and completely unhealthy. I’ve had to practice treating ‘me’ with respect, and to being as loving with ’me’ as I am with others.

I believe the biggest component of self-care is self-love. And that means for us to literally direct a deep profound and pampering love towards ourselves. When we do this, it does more for our personal health and well-being than anything else. It’s more powerful than any drug or prescription. And besides, it is our birthright to feel safe, nurtured, loved and supported, so we must do whatever we can to Live A Life Of Excellence, No Matter What! And we must bring that to us, each and every day. We have an ever-present unlimited ocean of love within us, and the first place we must send a healthy dose to, is ourselves. This is the first step to standing in our strength and accessing the power within!

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