“You are meant for more!
Learn how to create the next most amazing chapter of your life. To bring a greater version of ourselves into our life, we must build an image of a greater, more expansive self in our mind. It is when we begin to live from and come from this newer more expansive place – it’s then and only then, that we see it manifest in our external world. With my proven methods, tools and support you truly can BE the person you see in your dreams and more! YOU deserve it all.”
Kathryn Ford
Women’s Empowerment Expert
Founder, Excellence Institute
Stop Tolerating It!
Hi Beautiful!
I have a little something I want to share with you today. Often in our lives we keep our focus on the things we feel are most important. But, because we put our energy toward the most important tasks we sometimes inadvertently put up with things that are less than ideal. So take a moment, right now and ask yourself, what are you tolerating in your life? It might be a stressful relationship, a messy desk, a closet that you intended to organize months ago.
When there’s something in your life that you’re tolerating, it is draining your energy. It may be even lowering your self-esteem or even transferring and interfering with the loving relationships in your life.
So today, I invite you to pay attention to what you are tolerating. Make a list and begin to eliminate one item after another.
I actually use my calendar as a sacred tool and will schedule time to cross these items off the list. It’s part of my Self-Care practice. And remember, the largest component of Self-Care is Self-Love. And this is a powerful way to practice the art of Self-Love. this will ultimately free up your time, improve your clarity and increase the overall greatness you experience in your life. The results are far reaching and can affect the 3 key areas of your life. Your health and well-being, your relationships, and your wealth & success.
So take a step into your power today and stop tolerating it.
Much Love!
"I think the biggest issue was really money. And the investment in myself. I had grown up um in a, in a home where my father's an accountant and everything had to be accounted for. And I heard phrases like, 'Money doesn't grow on trees'. And it was almost a lack foundation, even though we had more than enough. We were very blessed. But, I also had a marriage where I had to justify everything. And a, so for me to take that step and say, hmm is this worth it? And to make that investment. And now I realize, that it is priceless when we invest in ourselves, that is the greatest investment we can make. Greater than anything. You know, memories are great too, definitely to have those memories. But, when we invest in ourselves we can do so much more in the world!"
Julia B