Kathryn Ford

Excellence Institute Client Testimonials

You can come with us or you can wait – we’re going!

We are going to go live the lives we are meant to live.

We are going to use our courage to overcome our fear, our doubt, and our confusion. Because when it’s all said and done, we will never regret the chances we took believing in ourselves. We have made the most important investment we will ever make, and that is in ourselves.

We are doing this –  because we know we are Meant For More!

Are you coming?

Kathryn Ford

Women’s Empowerment Expert

Founder, Excellence Institute

“Guided by Kathryn’s wisdom, I was able to identify, confront, and move beyond the self-limiting thought patterns that previously restricted me from fully embracing my deepest wishes and goals. Having Kathryn’s enthusiastic support also was invaluable. My life is opening up in so many marvelous ways and I am grateful, in it and for it, every day.

Many profound thanks, Kathryn!”

Shannon L.


Angie R

I am deeply and profoundly grateful for you and the Women Wealth & Wellness™ program! The transformation has invaded every cell of my being and infused me with the ability to believe in myself enough to not feel a crippling guilt for standing up for myself or doing anything for myself. One of the realizations I had, was that although I have absolutely no problem giving unconditional love to anyone around me, even perfect strangers, it’s a completely foreign idea to do that for myself. I always knew that I struggled with confidence and self-love. However I now realize that not only have I been struggling with those things, I have actively been Self-LOATHING for most of my life on this planet. So this shift of thinking that has begun to infuse my being is the very thing that is making all the difference in the world.

In the past, anytime I tried to take a stand for myself it came with all sorts of apologies and was followed by attempts to “right my wrong”. As if needing help after surgeries was selfish or entitled. No one else made me feel that way, at least not in my marriage.

Those feelings came from inside. The best part is I’m able to be a better example for my kids. I tell them all the time what you said about how humans use our imaginations to catastrophize instead of imagining the expansive best for our future. So much so that all I have to say now is “what do human beings have that no other creatures on the planet have?” And they answer “imagination”.

This is the kind of change that was desperately needed in my life, for all of my life! I can feel it nourishing me and if I were to visualize it I could see it like the roots of a tree growing deep down into the ground and now it’s nourishing even the soil that my family plays on and infusing the food that will feed my family. It’s growing up through the trunk and through the branches that my children will play on and into the leaves that will provide shade while we all relax underneath. And it will continue to grow as those branches grow as my family grows for generations. It’s a generational change. Thank you is not sufficient enough, but I simply had to try!


Amy D

My journey with Kathryn has truly changed my life!

The experience deserves a standing ovation for being able to change people’s lives dramatically. It’s not just in one area of your life. It is in your mind, body, and soul.

The most exciting piece for me is that everyone can have a new start and everyone gets to choose what it is they want out of their lives, even in these really difficult times. I think this is so important, as the world is being reset and it’s causing a lot of people to go within and really think about the things that are going to be part of the new normal. And how is this environment going to affect my job, my children, my finances?

A favorite quote of mine is the Carl Bard quote, “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” This is what I’ve done. I want my ending to be amazing and I know that working with Kathryn and continuing to do the work everyday myself, I am going to have the ending that I want and deserve.

Thank you, Kathryn!

April B

I would recommend Kathryn simply because she will change your life!

She has changed mine in ways that I never thought were possible. I can’t even say enough words that will let somebody understand how great she is. Kathryn is a positive medicine. She’s going to help you in ways that you never thought she could or ever thought were possible.

My life before Kathryn, I would say was crazy, in addition to my husband’s active duty. We have four kids, we’re a blended family, it can be very overwhelming and it’s a lot. At times, the way I would cope is I would just get upset and not really know how to deal with it when things came up as far as my husband’s work or the kids. Through working with Kathryn, I take the time to breathe more and listen to my kids. I also know that I have to take care of myself first, before I can take care of my family. And with the tools she’s given me I now am way more peaceful. I’m grateful I’m a mom and I put things into perspective, the way she teaches me to do and it makes a world of difference. My scheduling is better with work and being a mom, and I’m way happier than I’ve ever been before.

She will change you to be somebody you never thought that you could be!

April Bonney

Julie W

Kathryn Ford’s mentoring changed my life. When I met Kathryn, I was feeling stuck. I had been trying to finish a book proposal and get an agent for over 3 years. Within 4 months, I had that book proposal done. I then had three offers from different agents and landed the best agent I could ask for. I would never have come this far without her.

Kathryn’s daily practices and coaching have provided extraordinary results in every area of my life. Not only did I get that book proposal done, my whole outlook on life changed for the better. I instantly became more positive, grateful and started taking better care of myself. Her daily practices worked miracles in my life. For instance, my sleep has improved, my relationship with my husband has never been better and on top of that, my financial situation is in better shape as well.

Thank you, Kathryn!!

Sherry T

I have learned so much from Kathryn! She has shown me how to expand my capacity to accept and fully receive all that life has to offer. Through the tools Kathryn has taught me I am navigating new waters with more ease and grace and that is allowing new and exciting possibilities into my life. These tools have also allowed my ‘inner world’ to be at peace when life gets hard to handle. I’m so grateful for her wisdom, vast knowledge, love, and guidance. But most of all I am grateful for her friendship, knowing she is in ‘my corner.’ Thank you Kathryn, you are truly a gift!

Cindy F

I feel like my life is changing in a big way for the positive.
And I feel a sense of expanded consciousness around what is possible for me.

It’s a new and unprecedented feeling.

I also feel like I am pushing through barriers.

Thank you for holding that space for me and for your encouragement!


Sara S

I am so grateful for the coaching, mentoring and consulting I received from Kathryn. She taught me very valuable tools to support me in my personal growth and transformation. Kathryn also provided methods, ideas, and thoughts that helped me move forward to live with a sense of abundance in all areas of my life, such as health, relationships, career, and financial freedom.

I love Kathryn’s “Meant for More – A Fountain Of Youth” program, and look forward to continuing to learn and grow, living the life of my dreams!

Thank you, Kathryn!

Elissa S

Kathryn, you make my heart sparkle and it feels like champagne bubbles Around my heart! I love you and thank you for believing in me. You are my miracle and you raise me up to more than I dreamed I could be. I was being held captive by my paradigms and toxic people. A steady diet of delicious self- care, love, and everything you are teaching us has been life changing for me.

And one of my favorite transformations from this lifestyle you have taught me is how much younger I feel and look. I will always remember the day my husband asked if I had cosmetic work done… and I told him it is all an inside job! Meant for More – A Fountain of Youth & Abundance is truly that.

I love my life and I love you, Kathryn. Thank you!!


KeZia N

Kathryn Ford is someone I have wanted to work with as a life/business coach for a while. She is a very intuitive and gifted coach with much wisdom, inspiration, and knowledge. Her 8 week Women Wealth & Wellness™ helped me break through some issues that were holding me back in my business. In addition, I love the Wednesday weekly calls with the other women that are working with Kathryn as well. It is a completely supportive environment that is very warm and welcoming to all who are seeking to become a better and more successful version of themselves!


Kimberly F

Working with Kathryn has given me renewed passion, purpose and joy!

Prior to embarking on this journey with Kathryn, I was in a rut. I had become a passive passenger in my life, drifting, bobbing along, allowing the years to pass me by, but now I have found my motor and have direction!  I am moving ahead, fulfilling my passions to gain results that fuel me.

I feel like a weight has been lifted and I am more positive than I have been in several years. I am evolving from the inside out, clearing what no longer serves me and focusing on what I would LOVE. I often say aloud a Wayne Dyer quote from Kathryn’s teachings – “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change,” to remind myself to stay on course…and that I am meant for more.   I cannot wait for what is still to come!!

Thank you Kathryn!


Jeannie A

I highly recommend Women Wealth & Wellness™ with Kathryn Ford, to bring success and peace into your life.

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her a few times in person, and what a treat that was. From that mega –watt smile to her sparkling eyes, this woman knows how to live life. Her program will help you become the BEST you, that you can be.

Thank you, Kathryn.

Connie M

My meeting and working with you was truly divinely guided. I will always be grateful for everything I learned from you! Absolutely life changing! You come up in conversation between Kevin and I almost daily. We talk about the tools you gave me and they are part of our daily lives. Kevin and I say to each other every day – “I love this life with you!” He totally loves all the info and we live our lives in gratitude, love and joy! You and your coaching are the reason we found each other.

And you look so incredibly radiant, vibrant and youthful! You live the life you teach and it shows! What a bonus of living this life of love and gratitude!

You are such a gift and I send you so much love. Thank you forever, I love you Kathryn!

Ann S

The moment I met Kathryn, I KNEW my life was about to change! Her energy and light beamed through the screen, and I was instantly filled with a feeling of positivity, love, and excitement.

I had tried other programs in the past. I tried journaling and meditation-both of which fizzled out after a couple of weeks. With Kathryn’s program, you experience a perfect blend of one-on-one meetings, group calls, and personal reflection and journaling. The journaling is gently guided thru Kathryn’s members-only web portal. The lessons are focused but not fussy. She offers powerful inspiration via short videos and suggested journaling questions. The weekly group meeting is via phone-which I absolutely LOVED! Everyone was so at ease with Kathryn at the helm. It is the perfect space to ask questions and hear the successes of other women facing similar challenges and triumphs as you. I loved this time as it was 30 minutes for ME! Walking outside and being inspired and sharing my own quantum leaps was magical! I simply soared for the rest of the day! I felt empowered by the community! The energy, excitement, and LOVE Kathryn has just permeated thru the phone- you can FEEL the shift!

The one-on-one time with Kathryn is the best! She really cares for and loves each of her clients. You feel completely at ease to fully open up to what is going on in your life, what you want to achieve, what your limiting beliefs are, and what to work on to overcome those. The balance of these three ignites all parts of your brain-my creativity, awareness, and vibration have all been elevated, and I have felt a shift in my personal and professional lives. I live in a place of ease now and know that miracles are happening all around me and for me. I passionately recommend working with Kathryn- you will forever be grateful.



I was reluctant at first to work with a coach, because at the time I had another coach. And I thought that it might be overlapping or contradictory in some way. But I realized that they both had things to offer me in different areas. Also, I was concerned about the money, I didn’t know if I was worth it, to invest in myself in that way. And now I realize I could invest a lot more in myself too. And, and the time commitment, I didn’t know if I could make time to do it. And now I realize how valuable that investment in myself is. Because not only does it make me a better person, it makes those around me better people because I can pour out into them what I’ve learned.

I think the biggest issue was really money. And the investment in myself, I had grown up in a, in a home where my father was an accountant, and everything had to be accounted for. And I heard phrases like money doesn’t grow on trees. And it was almost a lack Foundation, even though we had more than enough, we were very blessed. But I also had a marriage where I had to justify everything and, and so for me to take that step and say, Is this worth it, and to make that investment and and now I realized that that is priceless.

When we invest in ourselves. That is the greatest investment we can make. Greater than anything, you know, memories are great to definitely to have those memories. But when we invest in ourselves, we can do so much more in the world.

Join us at the next Goddess experience!