The Club™
Kathryn Ford's Lifetime Membership Empowerment Program
Masterfully Curated for Easy Self-Management!
These powerful components, which when put into practice, will change your life!
Enroll NOW to start your Lifetime Access to The Club™!
Welcome to The Club™
Welcome to Kathryn’s newest creation, The Club™!
The Club™ is all things exquisite lifestyle and transformational. Members will receive lifetime access to 7 WAVES of life changing tools, practices and methods to support you in living a life of excellence. These powerful components, which when used and embodied will allow you to live from a new state of BEING and effectively take a quantum leap in your life!
In addition, you will also receive Kathryn’s The Club™ “Lifestyle” Experience communications, giving you a look into her lifestyle and a peak into her world and all that sparkles. She has been asked to create this type of membership for quite some time as women love ideas they can easily implement in their own lives to step into a richer and more exquisite life. Play video below for a sneak peak!
A one-time $297 Investment!
AWAKEN to your truth and the exquisite lifestyle you were meant to live. One filled with infinite joy, sensational experiences and deep pure connections. This is your place to BE… it’s about bringing out your most sparkling and divine, feminine YOU! The very best version of you. Allow Kathryn to guide you in living from your greatness!
The Club™ is an opportunity for you to create and experience a divine feminine lifestyle that is all thing of excellence to you. You will be guided to explore upleveling your health & wellbeing, calling in rich relationships, and what it means to you to enjoy time & money freedom.
At The Club™ we do all things living a life of excellence! Kathryn’s love language is, you living a life of excellence!
Meet Kathryn
Hi, I’m Kathryn Ford, celebrity life coach, women’s empowerment expert, founder of Excellence Institute, author and speaker. I change lives into works of art!
I’m so glad you’re here. It means you have a dream to live with an abundance of Wealth & Wellness. It means you’re ready to take the step to join Excellence Institute and receive my system for creating the most incredible next chapter in your life. Learning my tools, practices, principles and lifestyle to create wealth and wellness will be life changing for you.
What an exciting time in your life and I believe investing in ourselves is the ultimate investment anyone can make.
After transforming myself from struggling with a severe autoimmune disease to experiencing vibrant health, a toxic marriage that ended in a gun incident to loving rich relationships, and because of all that, financial setbacks to being the founder of Excellence Institute – I am deeply grateful to be living my passion and passing on to other women the Powerful Tools and knowledge to be able to live with an abundance of Health, Wealth & Love!
I can honestly say that I know this is why I am still on the planet and it is my purpose in life to lift other women beyond what they ever dreamed was possible for them. I have dedicated my life to empowering women to live out their purpose and manifest their biggest desire using the art and science of creating, spiritual principles, self-mastery – the exact same lifestyle I used to create the major transformations in the 3 key areas of my own life.
I have created an easily duplicatable system to help you do the same in your life.
Enroll NOW to start your Lifetime Access to The Club™!
Your moment to say yes to yourself
has arrived!
As a member of The Club™, you will:
- Develop the mindset habits and mastery skills to create with ease and joy what you would love, with lifetime access afterwards.
- Discover your inner world and feminine values to align your financial and wellness goals with what you would love.
- Transform your money story & install a new operating system to produce abundant results.
- Feel Kathryn’s support through the membership site, which includes lifestyle videos and a special look into her personal world and what she is doing to create more and more of what she would love in her life!
- Learn from a master what superabundance is and how she has personally transformed her own life an will support you in doing the same.
- 7 waves of curated inspiration, teaching, tools, practices, & videos, with lifetime access!
- Access to the Powerful Excellence Institute Membership site.
- Life Work for The Club™ Program.
- Kathryn’s The Club™ Lifestyle Experience.
Enroll Now And Receive Immediate Access
To my all-new lifetime club™ membership!
Welcome to The Club™
Invest In Yourself!
Enroll NOW to start your Lifetime Access to The Club™!
Your Time Has Arrived!
What Women Wealth & Wellness™
Members Are Saying:
This is the kind of change that was desperately needed in my life, for all of my life!
Angie R
I am deeply and profoundly grateful for you and the Women Wealth & Wellness™ program! The transformation has invaded every cell of my being and infused me with the ability to believe in myself enough to not feel a crippling guilt for standing up for myself or doing anything for myself. One of the realizations I had, was that although I have absolutely no problem giving unconditional love to anyone around me, even perfect strangers, it’s a completely foreign idea to do that for myself. I always knew that I struggled with confidence and self-love. However I now realize that not only have I been struggling with those things, I have actively been Self-LOATHING for most of my life on this planet. So this shift of thinking that has begun to infuse my being is the very thing that is making all the difference in the world.
In the past, anytime I tried to take a stand for myself it came with all sorts of apologies and was followed by attempts to “right my wrong”. As if needing help after surgeries was selfish or entitled. No one else made me feel that way, at least not in my marriage.
Those feelings came from inside. The best part is I’m able to be a better example for my kids. I tell them all the time what you said about how humans use our imaginations to catastrophize instead of imagining the expansive best for our future. So much so that all I have to say now is “what do human beings have that no other creatures on the planet have?” And they answer “imagination”.
This is the kind of change that was desperately needed in my life, for all of my life! I can feel it nourishing me and if I were to visualize it I could see it like the roots of a tree growing deep down into the ground and now it’s nourishing even the soil that my family plays on and infusing the food that will feed my family. It’s growing up through the trunk and through the branches that my children will play on and into the leaves that will provide shade while we all relax underneath. And it will continue to grow as those branches grow as my family grows for generations. It’s a generational change. Thank you is not sufficient enough, but I simply had to try!
I would recommend Kathryn simply because she will change your life!
April B
She has changed mine in ways that I never thought were possible. I can’t even say enough words that will let somebody understand how great she is. Kathryn is a positive medicine. She’s going to help you in ways that you never thought she could or ever thought were possible.
My life before Kathryn, I would say was crazy, in addition to my husband’s active duty. We have four kids, we’re a blended family, it can be very overwhelming and it’s a lot. At times, the way I would cope is I would just get upset and not really know how to deal with it when things came up as far as my husband’s work or the kids. Through working with Kathryn, I take the time to breathe more and listen to my kids. I also know that I have to take care of myself first, before I can take care of my family. And with the tools she’s given me I now am way more peaceful. I’m grateful I’m a mom and I put things into perspective, the way she teaches me to do and it makes a world of difference. My scheduling is better with work and being a mom, and I’m way happier than I’ve ever been before.
She will change you to be somebody you never thought that you could be!
She is a very intuitive and gifted coach with much wisdom, inspiration, and knowledge.
KeZia N
Kathryn Ford is someone I have wanted to work with as a life/business coach for a while. She is a very intuitive and gifted coach with much wisdom, inspiration, and knowledge. Her 8 week Women Wealth & Wellness™ helped me break through some issues that were holding me back in my business. In addition, I love the Wednesday weekly calls with the other women that are working with Kathryn as well. It is a completely supportive environment that is very warm and welcoming to all who are seeking to become a better and more successful version of themselves!
Her program will help you become the BEST you, that you can be.
Jeannie A
I highly recommend Women Wealth & Wellness™ with Kathryn Ford, to bring success and peace into your life.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her a few times in person, and what a treat that was. From that mega-watt smile to her sparkling eyes, this woman knows how to live life. Her program will help you become the BEST you, that you can be.
Thank you, Kathryn.
The moment I met Kathryn, I KNEW my life was about to change!
Ann S
The moment I met Kathryn, I KNEW my life was about to change! Her energy and light beamed through the screen, and I was instantly filled with a feeling of positivity, love, and excitement.
I had tried other programs in the past. I tried journaling and meditation-both of which fizzled out after a couple of weeks. With Kathryn’s program, you experience a perfect blend of one-on-one meetings, group calls, and personal reflection and journaling. The journaling is gently guided thru Kathryn’s members-only web portal. The lessons are focused but not fussy. She offers powerful inspiration via short videos and suggested journaling questions. The weekly group meeting is via phone-which I absolutely LOVED! Everyone was so at ease with Kathryn at the helm. It is the perfect space to ask questions and hear the successes of other women facing similar challenges and triumphs as you. I loved this time as it was 30 minutes for ME! Walking outside and being inspired and sharing my own quantum leaps was magical! I simply soared for the rest of the day! I felt empowered by the community! The energy, excitement, and LOVE Kathryn has just permeated thru the phone- you can FEEL the shift!
The one-on-one time with Kathryn is the best! She really cares for and loves each of her clients. You feel completely at ease to fully open up to what is going on in your life, what you want to achieve, what your limiting beliefs are, and what to work on to overcome those. The balance of these three ignites all parts of your brain-my creativity, awareness, and vibration have all been elevated, and I have felt a shift in my personal and professional lives. I live in a place of ease now and know that miracles are happening all around me and for me. I passionately recommend working with Kathryn- you will forever be grateful.